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Ernest Gentile is the founding Pastor of Christian Community Church in San Jose, California, which was launched in 1959. Ernest pastored for 33 years resulting in an academy (K-12), a Bible College and four outreach churches. Ernest has authored eight books, and has been active in conventions, minister's conferences and prophetic conferences both in the USA and many other nations. Noted for his inspiring preaching, deep prophetic ministry, insightful pastoral teaching and spontaneous humor, Ernest continues as a member of Christian Community Church and travels as a minister-at-large to the church at home and abroad.  He is a graduate of Whitworth University and has an M.A. in biblical theology from Fuller Theological Seminary; he has served for twenty-five years on the Apostolic Leadership Team of Ministers Fellowship International (MFI).

Joy Dove, Ernest’s first wife (of 62 years marriage), died in January of 2013.  A year and a half later in May of 2014, Ernest married Anna Teeter, Pastor of The Church on the Hill in Fort Sumner, New Mexico.  Ernest now makes his home in Fort Sumner where he and Anna co-pastor the church.  They also travel from time to time to minister in other churches.
Ernest Gentile
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